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What we Believe

GCC Mission Statement
Our call is to share the love of Jesus with all people, no matter what their background may be. We passionately believe that our Heavenly Father’s love revealed through His Son Jesus Christ, is for all people, rich or poor, old or young, no matter what their level of understanding.  We believe Jesus’ love is for all people.
It is our sincere desire that Grace Community Church be a place where God’s love is experienced and where anyone can come, be accepted, be safe and be loved, a place where they will hear, see and experience a God who loves them.

Statement of Faith
We believe that all men and women are made in the image of God, and therefore we believe that all people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Because we believe that all men and women are made by God and made in His image, we therefore believe that we are all accountable to God for the way we conduct ourselves.
We believe that to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord is the only way to gain a true relationship with God.  We believe that Jesus Christ is the only hope, the only way for us to experience God’s life changing love, joy, peace, and forgiveness.
We have a high view of the Christian Scriptures, the Bible, believing that this book is God’s inspired word to help and guide us. However above all we believe that in the Bible, God’s written word, God’s incarnate Word (Jesus) is revealed in His fullness and His glory. We believe the Bible reveals to us God’s love for us, shown most perfectly in Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.
Whilst we believe that God reveals Himself through His Son, the Bible and all creation, He also reveals Himself to the world through us His children, as we reflect His glory and love to the world in which we live.
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©2022 Grace Community Church, Leeds North.  Charity Reg: 1140281

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