Why Jesus?
"For God so loved the world, that he gave His one and only Son that who believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life"
John 3:16
We have a number of resources to help you get to know Jesus better. We pray that these resources will help you understand who Jesus really is, that Jesus died for you if you don't already know Him. If you do know Him, we pray that these resources will help you to grow in your love and knowledge of our precious Saviour.
Bible Reading Plan
At Grace Community Church, we recognise the importance of spending time in God's word, the Bible everyday. So we have a daily reading plan which will take you all the way through the Bible in 2 years. A PDF of this is attached below - feel free to save it or download and print it.
There are some really good websites and apps which have the Bible available, which you can use as you go through the Daily Reading Plan, such as:
2. YouVersion App for your phone or tablet (QR Code below)
However, none of these compare with being able to read God's word in your own, physical Bible. If you don't have one and would like one please do get in touch as we would love to give you one.
A testimony is someone telling you how they came to know God as their friend and as their Saviour. You see God meets and reveals Himself to us differently. Below is a selection of the testimonies or stories of how people in our church came to faith. If you have any questions about faith and what it means to be a Christian, please do get in touch.
Recommended Resources
"Pray Big" by Alistair Begg
Available from: The Good Book Company
"Icthus...Jesus Christ, God's Son, Saviour" by Sinclair Ferguson & Derek W H Thomas
Available from: The Banner of Truth Trust
"Tumbling Sky... Psalms Devotions for Weary Souls" by Matt Searles
Available from: The Good Book Company
"The Dignity Revolution" by Daniel Darling
Available from: The Good Book Company
You can also listen to really great podcasts through your smart phones which will help you understand God's word better. Here are a few that we recommend:
Truth For Life Daily Program with Alistair Begg
Available: App Store or Truth For Life